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Tettegouche State Park

Come join Kurt Mead and Joe Walewski for a tour of the Tettegouche State Park where participants will tour part of the Park in the morning followed by lunch on-site (bring your own) and then another walk to other areas of the property.

Judge C.R. Magney State Park

Come join us as we say goodbye to summer and embrace fall while enjoying the scenic Judge C.R. Magney State Park. The field trip will be led by Chel Anderson and will involve a discussion of local natural history, late summer botany, and the scenery of one of Minnesota’s great State Parks.

Oak Origins: From Acorns to Species and the Tree of Life

Andrew Hipp will discuss his new book: Oak Origins, From Acorns to Species and the Tree of Life. From ancient acorns to future forests, the story of how oaks evolved and the many ways they shape our world.

Rare Plant Conservation in Wisconsin

The recorded presentation is available on the Videos page. Presenter: Kevin Doyle - Botanist with the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Program: Rare Plant Conservation in Wisconsin This talk will provide an overview of different

From Data to Diversity: Modernizing Minnesota’s Native Plant Community System

Dakota Lodge 1200 Stassen Lane, West St. Paul, MN, United States

The recorded presentation is on the Videos page. Presenter: Alaina Berger, NPC Classification Coordinator,  Division of Ecological and Water Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Program: From Data to Diversity: Modernizing Minnesota's Native Plant Community System Minnesota DNR’s Native Plant