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Moose and Brainworm

Presented by Dr. Tiffany Wolf, DVM, PhD, University of Minnesota. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. The moose, an iconic creature of the north woods and an important member of this ecosystem, is in serious decline.

Prairie Management and plant/pollinator interactions

Title: Prairie Management and plant/pollinator interactions. Presenter:  Diane Larson, Research Wildlife Biologist at the US Geological Survey and Adjunct Associate Professor at the U of M. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page.

Reconstructing the first angiosperms and their initial diversification

Presented by: Dr. James Doyle, Professor Emeritus, Department of Evolution and Ecology, College of Biological Sciences University of Califormia Davis. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. Dr. Doyle’s Research Interest My research deals primarily with the

How a diversity of human cultures perfects our understanding of conservation

Presented by: Rowzat Shipchandler: MNDNR Diversity Coordinator. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. We often talk about how having a diversity of plant species makes a native plant community stronger and more resilient. Similarly, human diversity

80 Years of Minnesotan Ecology: An Update form Cedar Creek

Presented by by Dr. Caitlin Potter, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator, Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. This will be a talk about the past, present and upcoming research projects at