The Loss of Wildlands at the National and Minnesota Scales since European Settlement
Dakota Lodge 1200 Stassen Lane, West St. Paul, MN, United StatesPresenter: Bruce Anderson; Retired USFS and MnDNR. POM: TBD by BruceAnderson
Presenter: Bruce Anderson; Retired USFS and MnDNR. POM: TBD by BruceAnderson
Presenter: Dr. Lee Frelich, Director, The University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology; Fellow, Institute on the Environment. Plant of the Month: Balsam poplar - Populus balsamifera by Lee Frelich
The Minnesota Native Plant Society Annual Symposium:
Prairies and Grasslands of the Lower 48
Speakers: Carolyn Dindorf, Vice President/Limnologist, Fortin Consulting, Inc. Mark C. Gernes, Research Scientist, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Plant of the Month: Marsh Fern, Thelyptris palustris
Speaker: Michael Bourdaghs, Research Scientist, MN Pollution Control Agency. Place of the month: The Whiteface Reservoir
Join members of the Friends of Minnesota Scientific & Natural Areas and others on an all-day outing to Lost Valley Prairie SNA and Kellogg Weaver Dunes SNA to explore these prairie communities in the springtime.
The trip will start at the Visitors’ Center at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Area just north of Grantsburg, WI, and will end up on the Namekagon Barrens in far northeast Burnett County.
Barb Delaney will lead MNNPS members on a morning hike into Helen Allison Savanna, one of the more unique plant communities of the Anoka Sandplain.
Speaker: John Moriarty, Senior Manager of Wildlife, Three Rivers Park District Other notes: This meeting will include a book sale and signing
Following up on our 2018 presentation, visit the conservation open space of this mixed-use development and enjoy learning about the remnant oak woodlands, wetlands, and restored prairies.