Private Land Protection Incentives for Prairie Landowners
Title: Private Land Protection Incentives for Prairie Landowners. Presenter: Tyler Janke, Natural Areas Specialist, MN DNR. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page.
Title: Private Land Protection Incentives for Prairie Landowners. Presenter: Tyler Janke, Natural Areas Specialist, MN DNR. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page.
Title: Prairie Management and plant/pollinator interactions. Presenter: Diane Larson, Research Wildlife Biologist at the US Geological Survey and Adjunct Associate Professor at the U of M. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page.
Presented by: Dr. James Doyle, Professor Emeritus, Department of Evolution and Ecology, College of Biological Sciences University of Califormia Davis. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. Dr. Doyle’s Research Interest My research deals primarily with the
Presented by: Dr. Ian Lane, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. Dr. Lane’s Research Interest My work primarily focuses on native bee conservation, with a focus on understanding how bee
Come join Steve Eggers and Jennifer Kamm for a day of aquatic plant identification canoeing Weaver Bottoms followed by a xeric vegetation tour of Kellogg-Weaver Dunes SNA. Both of these areas are close to one another and are located just off of Highway 61 in southeastern Minnesota.
Come join Rhett Johnson for a day of native prairie and wetland plant identification at Ordway Prairie located in western MN south of Glenwood, MN off of highway 104.
Presented by David Remucal, Curator of Endangered Plants, University of MN Landscape Arboretum. This will be a Zoom meeting. MNNPS members, watch your email for instructions.
Come join John Moriarty, Senior Wildlife Manager for Three Rivers Park District for a tour of Crow-Hassan Park Reserve. John will discuss work conducted to restore, establish, and manage wildlife habitats, especially prairies, at Crow-Hassan.
Presented by: Rowzat Shipchandler: MNDNR Diversity Coordinator. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. We often talk about how having a diversity of plant species makes a native plant community stronger and more resilient. Similarly, human diversity
Presented by by Dr. Caitlin Potter, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator, Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. The recorded Zoom meeting is available on the Videos page. This will be a talk about the past, present and upcoming research projects at