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St. Wendel Tamarack Bog SNA: A Slog Into a Mosaic of Wetland Plant Communities
Sunday, July 30, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Where: St. Wendel Tamarack Bog SNA, St. Wendel Township, Minnesota (just north of St. Cloud)
When: Sunday July 30, 2017 (9 AM to 1 PM)
Leader: Mike Lee, Plant Ecologist/Botanist with the MN DNR Biological Survey
Come join Mike Lee and other MNNPS members for part of a day hiking and identifying wetland plants at St. Wendel Tamarack Bog SNA. This SNA is one of the top sites for significant biological diversity in Stearns County as evaluated by the Minnesota County Biological Survey in 1999. The site is a large wetland complex encompassing one of the largest remaining blocks of native vegetation in the county, including the best and largest example of tamarack swamp in central Minnesota.
In addition to the extensive tamarack stands, the site also contains: rare mixed hardwood seepage swamp, and a unique boreal spring fen which supports populations of the state threatened sterile sedge and special concern twig rush. The hike will focus on this large fen and will also venture into the surrounding tamarack swamp. Significant acreage of rich fen, wet meadow, mixed hardwood swamp, and shrub swamp also occur. Two shallow lakes, each named “Swamp Lake”, with rich aquatic vegetation complete the natural mosaic of this large wetland complex.
Due to the nature of this hike into several wetland plant communities, very wet conditions will be encountered. Appropriate footwear is highly recommended with water depths possibly being up to your knees in some places.
Field trips are open to MNNPS members only and pre-registration is required. To register, send an email to: Ken Arndt <ken.arndt@mnrinc.us>